
Visual Communication Design

Educational Objectives:

To master the basic theories of design disciplines, the professional theories of visual communication design, and to possess strong abilities in aesthetic appreciation, innovative thinking, creative expression, design practice, and innovation and entrepreneurship.

Product Design

Educational Objectives:

Solid foundation in product design theory and professional knowledge, outstanding abilities in design creativity, design expression, craftsmanship and innovation and entrepreneurship, good comprehensive quality in humanities and science and technology, excellent professional quality in product design.


Educational Objectives:

Have theoretical knowledge of Chinese character culture, calligraphy practice, calligraphy theory, fine arts education, etc. Have the quality of artistic personality, creative design thinking, teamwork spirit and hard-working, etc. At the same time, have the ability of Chinese character cognition, calligraphy foundation, artistic creation, artistic aesthetic judgment, speculation, communication, innovation and entrepreneurship and life-long learning.

你好大学生I “如何让大学生活更加充实”校园采访

Source:校团委 Editor: 杨美琪 Author: 李诗悦 李磊 Date:2022-04-18 Views:834

2022年4月17日,团委社管部在校园内拍摄了以“如何让大学生活更加充实”为主题的校园采访活动。突如其来的疫情,让我们的大学生活按下了暂停键,刚开始的慌乱我们每个人都措手不及,一时间崩溃、不理解的声音充斥着网络,最让我们遗憾的是,仿佛整个大学生活都被疫情所贯穿...... 但疫情挡不住青春的活力!一代人有一代人的长征,一代人有一代人的使命,时代的接力棒传到我们手里,轰轰烈烈的青春不该因疫情而黯淡。





同学们勇于接受采访,也讲出了自己的心声。大家都愿意积极配合当地的疫情防控工作,并且怀揣着对未来的美好设想,努力学习,回报祖国! 写给同学们的春日来信我们终会看到枝头花开,在晴朗的春天,见个面。“永远热爱生活,永远期待未来”(校团委社管部宣传部/摄)