
Visual Communication Design

Educational Objectives:

To master the basic theories of design disciplines, the professional theories of visual communication design, and to possess strong abilities in aesthetic appreciation, innovative thinking, creative expression, design practice, and innovation and entrepreneurship.

Product Design

Educational Objectives:

Solid foundation in product design theory and professional knowledge, outstanding abilities in design creativity, design expression, craftsmanship and innovation and entrepreneurship, good comprehensive quality in humanities and science and technology, excellent professional quality in product design.


Educational Objectives:

Have theoretical knowledge of Chinese character culture, calligraphy practice, calligraphy theory, fine arts education, etc. Have the quality of artistic personality, creative design thinking, teamwork spirit and hard-working, etc. At the same time, have the ability of Chinese character cognition, calligraphy foundation, artistic creation, artistic aesthetic judgment, speculation, communication, innovation and entrepreneurship and life-long learning.


Source:校团委 Editor: 陈文斌 Author: 陈沁 Date:2019-12-04 Views:595

为进一步弘扬“爱国、进步、民主、科学”的“五四”精神,营造积极向上、青春健康的氛围和带领青年学生更好地铭记革命历史、表达爱国热情,展示积极向上的时代风貌,舞表1801班开展了“青春心向党 建功新时代”特别主题团日活动,


然后齐唱团歌。国共青团团歌歌曲表达的意义是:青春具有激情和梦想,初升的太阳充满干劲,继往开来学习革命老前辈优良传统作风,努力积极开创新的世界。 就像一首英雄的赞美诗,激励着所有年轻人的战斗精神,让每一点热象征着年轻人无尽的希望走到一起,变成一轮红日在花海中冉冉升起。

