
Visual Communication Design

Educational Objectives:

To master the basic theories of design disciplines, the professional theories of visual communication design, and to possess strong abilities in aesthetic appreciation, innovative thinking, creative expression, design practice, and innovation and entrepreneurship.

Product Design

Educational Objectives:

Solid foundation in product design theory and professional knowledge, outstanding abilities in design creativity, design expression, craftsmanship and innovation and entrepreneurship, good comprehensive quality in humanities and science and technology, excellent professional quality in product design.


Educational Objectives:

Have theoretical knowledge of Chinese character culture, calligraphy practice, calligraphy theory, fine arts education, etc. Have the quality of artistic personality, creative design thinking, teamwork spirit and hard-working, etc. At the same time, have the ability of Chinese character cognition, calligraphy foundation, artistic creation, artistic aesthetic judgment, speculation, communication, innovation and entrepreneurship and life-long learning.


Source:校团委 Editor: 宋慧敏、林修竹 Author: 苏文馨 Date:2022-10-23 Views:302

为了弘扬和传承中华优秀传统文化,培养我校学生的爱国情怀。我校于10月25、26日晚上19:30在西校区大礼堂举行了以"读经典 提正气 青春志 中国梦”为主题的第七届中华经典诵读初赛。朗诵者们用多种形式演绎了一场场精彩绝伦的视听盛宴。每位参赛选手都准备了精选内容,选取了体现中华优秀传统文化、革命文化和社会主义先进文化的经典诗文,借诵读抒发爱国爱党情怀、弘扬正能量。





中华文化源远流长,国学经典诵读不衰,诵读经典使我们心情愉悦、眼界宽广。相信在“诵读经典诗文 弘扬传统文化”的活动中,校园内吟诵经典的氛围将更加浓厚。让经典诵读融入每一天,让经典滋润心声,让书香充满校园!

